Forums / Roleplaying / Thanksgiving party!

Thanksgiving party!
19:27:12 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Sun Tzu:

Here is an rp thanksgiving party.  Everyone's invited! There will be competitions, lots and lots of food, and of fun! Since I didn't throw one for halloween, this party will be kind of a mix between the two, so be sure to have an awesome costume!

19:59:28 Nov 14th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

[OOC: Uhh...I'm not American so someone please tell me what thanksgiving is.]

*Demonsul arrives first in a zombie costume that looks like this.

"What, no-one here yet?"

20:17:14 Nov 14th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

[[OOC: It is pretty much a holiday where we celebrate for the hard work and cooperation we have...pretty much eat unimaginable amounts of food with family and be happy]]

*Charley Deallus walks into the room and listens*

"Well, birthday is on Thanksgiving(November 27th).  We need to do some things to prepare! We need to decide on a location, foods to bring, possibly drinks supplied by the tavern, and the costumes of course.  I want this to be a great celebration! The location can be at the tavern, the Deallus castle in Tasidian, or really any place that we want.  The food can be discussed here if you want.  I will negotiate for the drinks or purchase them all."

20:27:44 Nov 14th 08 - Prince Validus Septim II:

"I'd be happy to have it at the tavern!" says Septim as he runs in wearing a sp@mcan costume.

20:44:40 Nov 14th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

"Then I will hopefully be able to make it there.  I will bring the family and friends from Tasidian to celebrate.  All drinks will be on Septim's tab! Hurrah!"

*Runs out the door*

01:38:05 Nov 15th 08 - Mr. Arvious VIII:

*C-3P0 walks into the room.*

"Greetings,"  said a familiar voice.  "I am C-3PO, human relations protocal droid!"

*Darth Vader walks into the room and pulls off the robots arm.*

"HEY!  I spent good money on that!  2 bucks worth!"

*Arvious angrily walks over to the food and tries to eat, but without success.*

"Ehh, uaah, aghh."

07:26:41 Nov 15th 08 - Mr. Anubis:

*Anubis walks in bringing a chill to everyone's hearts*

"Septim's paying? That makes things easier on me then.  Anyone want to place a wager?"

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